Confronting Corona: Smart Lockdowns, Business Continuity and Digitisation

13 April 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic may yet prove to be the most effective catalyst for digitization and diversification of the economies in the Caribbean. At present, economic considerations are at the periphery of the COVID-19 discourse in Barbados – but this discussion must move to the centre.

Lockdowns are our new normal. In order to be sustainable in this new paradigm, our business continuity measures must be effective. Digitisation of our businesses and government agencies are no longer growth initiatives designed to attract a millennial demographic but a core necessity for business continuity – or rather, business functionality.

Public services and private enterprises must now transition to an alternate universe manned by armies of decentralised, agile and accountable remote workers.

Read more here in our recent thought leadership published in the Barbados Business Authority.

We are happy to assist clients in navigating this new environment and to consider legal implications of their remote functionalities, including for example, data protection issues.

For further information please contact